RepoSystems.Com Inc. Apps

RepoSystems GPS DNA 2.6
Recovery Companies & Agents!WELCOME TO THE RELEASE OF THE MOST VALUABLE TOOL IN is raising the industry standards andMAKINGASSET RECOVERY SIMPLE.INTRODUCING RepoSystems GPS DNA Mobile appWhat is GPS DNA?- Global Satellites That Provide Latitude/Longitude.- Positioning Mobile App Users In Real Time.- System Integrated With Reposystems.- Digital Data Transferred In Real Time.- Networking Addresses On A National Database.- Allowing The Only Address That Is GPS DNA To Be Updated.Here’s how it works!1. Receive an alert through the repossession mobile app when youarewithin 1 mile of an opportunity address.2. Accept the opportunity on your smart phone.3. Receive driving directions to the opportunity address.4. Receive vehicle information when you are within 150 feet oftheopportunity.5. Spot the vehicle.I found it! Now what?1. Call the company who is holding the repossession order onthevehicle, by using the call button on the mobile app or if oneofyour repossession orders, pick it up. **2. A link is sent from the mobile app to the company’semailnotifying them that you are the spotter for the spottedunit.3. The Repossession Company accepts the link by following thestepsprovided in their email.How do I get my money?1. After the repossession company processes the recovery, fundsmoveimmediately to your wallet account. **2. It’s that easy!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The application is free. You will be asked to subscribetoRepoSystems.Com Inc or RepoSpotter.Net upon your first 150footnotice, as you MUST comply with the rules set forth under theCFPB(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) standards.The subscription fee to receive our National Hotlist(segregatedby state), is $30 per user/device per month.
PlateTrax 1.0
Need to physically be able to locate where avehicle has been or currently is?PlateTrax can help Lenders, Recovery Agents, Title Loan Companies,Bail Bonds, Private Investigators, Skip Tracers and Law Enforcementwith a HISTORY of where a vehicle may have been.PlateTrax was developed to assist those in the collateralrecovery industry in locating assets that they are currentlylooking for, i.e. BOLO’s or “be on the look out”.Using our Tag Locate or Upload Plates functionality you cansearch our database to see if the tags have been spotted by one ofour approved LPR system operators.If they have been seen you can purchase those “locates”, or welike to call them, “trax” using our services. 50% of the locate feegoes to the LPR Operator, the other 50% goes to PlateTrax.Com LLCfor upkeep and management of the site.If you would like to enter a list of items and be notified inthe future if one of our LPR operators scans the tag, please usethe Upload Plates functionality. You must have either a PlateTrax,RepoSystems, VIN2Plate or SkipHunter login to use thisfunctionality.
RepoSystems Repo Path Repo
Recovery Companies & Agents!WELCOME TO THE RELEASE OF THE MOST VALUABLE TOOL IN THEREPOSSESSION is raising the industry standards and MAKING ASSETRECOVERY SIMPLE.INTRODUCING RepoSystems Repo Path 1.o Beta mobile app. Repo Pathprovides capability to create and assign map that will be usedwithin Repo Path mobile application. Repo Path app has build inauto route functionality to provide you best route for all theaddresses. The app has the ability to auto update the account onceyou are within 500 feet along with ability to enter manualupdate.
RepoSystems Mobi Site 1.2
Complete development of the workflowprocessfor the repossession industry. REPO-SYSTEMS is a managementandcommunications tool for the collateral recovery industry(forautomobiles) in US. "Lending Institutions" and "AutomobileRecoveryAgents" can communicate in real-time to enhanceproductivity,efficiency and accuracy in the recovery of theautomobile. RepoSystems provides an end-to-end collateral recoverysolution thatautomates the repossession process from assignment andrecovery, todisposition.
RepoPath 1.2 is raising the industry standards and MAKINGASSETRECOVERY SIMPLE. INTRODUCING RepoSystems Repo Path 1.o Betamobileapp. Repo Path provides capability to create and assign mapthatwill be used within Repo Path mobile application. Repo Path apphasbuild in auto route functionality to provide you best route forallthe addresses. The app has the ability to auto update theaccountonce you are within 500 feet along with ability to entermanualupdate.